Trusted by founders and companies from seed → scale
Onboarding & Support
We’re founders ourselves; we built the product we wanted to use. Reduce mistakes with tools that automatically scan and read your documents.
You’re also getting an experienced lawyer in your back pocket with Pulley. You will spend less time and money managing your cap table.
Legal Documents
Pulley is the only platform that generates fully executed and signed legal documents. Legal documents matter in disputes - talk to your lawyer about why this matters.
You won’t need to use DocuSign to issue grants. Upload your templates, and we’ll automatically generate and send documents for signing.
Pulley can handle the entire process for issuing equity from offer letters to signed legal agreements to board approvals, all on the one tool.
409A Valuations
409A valuations determine the strike price of your options. You will need a valuation at least once a year or at a material event - such as a fundraising round.
Pulley partners with trusted, independent appraisers to give you an audit-ready 409A valuation in just one week. The same partners stay with you as your company grows to perform reports that understand your business.
We perform 409A valuations for all businesses including international and cryptocurrency firms.
Fundraising Modeling
Many founders we talk to give investors the wrong number of shares at a fundraising. This leads to more dilution and is expensive to correct. Pulley helps you validate the math for your next round.
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